Cornell School District

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In The Spotlight

Cornell Ranked #1 Overachieving School District!
The Cornell School District was recently ranked the #1 Overachieving School District for the 4th year in a row by the Pittsburgh Business Times!  This is a tremendous accomplishment and congratulations and thank you to our wonderful student body, faculty and staff and community partners!

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Esports Update Thumbnail Image

Esports Update

Our High School Esports teams which are currently in 3rd and 6th place out of 47 teams playing Fortnite in the High School Esports League (HSEL) via Generation Esports. Good luck with the rest of the season! Good luck and keep up the great work!!!
FRL Visits Premier Automation Thumbnail Image

FRL Visits Premier Automation

Cornell High School's Future Ready Leaders recently visited Premier Automation to learn about career opportunities in our region. Students were able to hear from a panel of professionals and tour the facility.
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